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what is most important to us?

we were the first to observe,perhaps the important thing was not the answers they gave but the questions they asked


you have to be aware of what might happen because guys, we are ruled by an incompetent ignorant and psychopathic gang with power.Thomas hobbes自然状态中人们不幸的生活中都享有“生而平等”的自然权利,又都有渴望和平和安定生活的共同要求,于是出于人的理性,人们相互间同意订立契约,放弃各人的自然权利,把它托付给某一个人或一个由多人组成的集体,这个人或集体能把大家的意志化为一个意志,能把大家的人格统一为一个人格;大家则服从他的意地志,服从他的判断。stoics 人生最大的焦虑之一就是:无论我们如何努力,在人生的终点我们都有可能发现自己虚耗了生命斯多葛哲学其生活的艺术能让我们减低焦虑,释怀过去,将心力聚焦于生命中能够控制的事务上;能让我们更好地对付羞辱、悲伤、衰老,坦然地面对声名与财富的诱惑。我们从马可•奥勒留那里学会取舍,从爱比克泰德那里学会从有限的生活中获得更大的满足。当然,这种生活的艺术还能彻底治愈折磨现代人的心理慢性病症——对生活无休无止的不满足感,让我们的内心归于从容和安宁。在生命的历程中注意观察并基于观察反思自己,我们就能更好地找到焦虑的源头,避免种种痛苦,真正创造快乐的生命。kant







如果仍然继续杠,坚持己见的话那就没必要继续谈下去了,不是人人都会先尝试改变自己。judith butler

everthing out of the norm is uncomfortable for the society.our sex is nothing more than a social construction.being a man or a woman is not determined by our birth but by what they have taught us to be.we have learned to be men or women in a culutral and educational context, which sets heterosexuality as a norm.everything that is out of that norm is excluded.

we don't necessarily have to perceive ourselves as either men or women,we can deconstruct it beyond the limitations.

gender is not a natural factfreud


there's something more in us that isn't expressed in our conscious behavior.it makes us do things that we aren't used to doing.it makes us thinks about stuffs that we don't want to,makes us feel things that we don't know exactly why we feel them.

this unconcious myth can mark us when we choose our other half.attraction to another person can come from needs and desires and other hidden aspects that form our ego. in fact there are men who unconsciously look for a mother in their partner.

to know some aspects of ourselves that we don't like and don't want to admit, we would all discover many things about ourselves.


when there is a feeling of loss of a loved one, freud speaks of a path , of a process inwhich the person have to work the pain. the only way to deal with that loss to admit that it is irreparable


we feel jealous when we believe that someone can steal something of our possession.the jealous one is essentially a possessive person, who wants to have their other half at their disposal as if they were their property.


rene descartes

why the things exsit rather than not exsiting?

thing exsit because we give then meaning.

death give meaning to life.

各种主义虽有局限,但是也反向证明了再某些情况下是很有道理的engelsthe family is an instrument of the ideological apparatus of the state.


爱有保鲜期吗?有保鲜期的爱是“性”还是“爱”?sometimes the people we love do things that hurt us , you should get used to it because it'll always be like this

sex is animal instinct that we all carry inside


since childhood, we are taught that love and happiness go together,but is only happens in fairy tales,love can be cruel.trying to fulfill themselves through the path of love is a social imposition that makes so many people unhappy,they will have amorous disappointment.

today there is an excess of "good feeling".we must say things with tact,have a conciliatory tone so that no one will get offended.

love is one of the few things that can shake us and brings us back to reality.

we konw there are things we cannot say,feelings we don't want to hurt but we can't always act like some pure souls.

if you have to tell them what you think,although it may bother you , you say it. because this connects you to reality.reality is full of uncomfortable truths,contradictions.

love is spontaneous and isn't based on any fantasy that is ingenuous,romantic,naive.

我们找对象都是寻找那些符合我们预期的人“幽默”“合拍”...其实这只是我们在理想化爱情,我们只是在把自己爱的人变成我们想象的模样。我们其实并非爱上了那个人,我们只是爱上了perfect images we make ourselves.

你能想象一个完全纯洁无瑕的人?一个不会排泄肮脏物的人?true love is opposite,it means to recognize the imperfetion,accept their defects.truly falling in love is a risky bet,true love doesn't idealize the other.taosim





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