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主演:Elizabeth Holmes,Tyler Shultz,Roger Par..



剧情介绍:《发明家》讲述了不久前在美国硅谷引发热议的年轻女企业家伊丽莎白·霍姆斯的故事。她利用个人魅力和众多支持者的影响力,成功吸金创办了生物科技公司Theranos。这个想法是创造一种革命性的血液测试技术,只需戳你的指尖就可以抽取几滴血。最后,这被揭露是一场骗局,福尔摩斯的半上市发明从未得到验证。 《发明家》跟随夏洛克·福尔摩斯从繁荣到衰落的人生故事,分析了她行为背后的动机。 Gibney 采访了 Theranos 的两名前员工 TylerShultz 和 Erika Zhang,以及《Blood for Gold》的作者 John Carreyrou 等人。吉布尼试图联系福尔摩斯接受采访,但从未得到回应。

You have to respect reality from the most fundamental level and form your argument by reasoning upwards starting from basic principals. Dreams and ambitions cannot defy the laws of physics.

The Silicon Valley “fake it until you make it” mindset does not work with processes that are impactful on people’s health or wellbeing. Products in fields such as medicine and education cannot to be treated as a smartphone or an app, because ultimately the costs of ‘low-cost iterations’ are tremendous. Alarmingly, the costs are not paid by the businesses attempting to deliver those products - not until the charade gets lifted.

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