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16世纪中叶,英国驻法国大使遭到暗杀,而且死者正是年轻的英国国王亨利八世(乔纳森?莱斯?梅耶斯JonathanRhysMeyers饰)的叔叔。这让国王极为愤怒,立刻召集大臣,准备兵发法兰西。不过,红衣主教沃尔金(山姆?尼尔SamNeill饰)权衡各方利益,并不赞成英法交战。因此,他想方设法,让英王、法王通过协商解决了此事。由于王后凯瑟琳只为亨利八世生下了一个女儿,这让她逐渐失宠。亨利八世一直对此耿耿于怀,并在宫廷之内寻欢作乐。不过,真正令亨利八世动心的却是一名叫安?博林(娜塔莉?多默尔NatalieDormer饰)的女侍官,后者美艳动人,丰满妖娆,使得他几近疯狂。为了能够明媒正娶,亨利八世跟主教沃尔金密谋,要与王后离婚,此举顿时牵涉到外交、宗教等多方利益。期间,热死病蔓延,引起全国恐慌,一场宫廷震荡也随之而来……“Had there been tabloids in 16th century, Henry VIII must have been the coverboy for every issue!” His power and charisma earned him not only record-breaking 6 wives, but also numerous impersonators----on the screen. To his relief, the actors are more dashing than the man in Hans Holbein the Younger’s masterpiece.
Based on 3 books----“It’s Good to be King”, “The King, the Queen and the Mistress”, “King Takes Queen”, this series present viewers a panoramic portrayal of early and middle life of the eventful monarch, including his divorce to Katherine of Aragon and marriage to Anne Boleyn. Simultaneously, another movie involving this hot plot, “The Other Boleyn Girl”, which is starred with Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson and Eric Bana is on, too. However, this Hollywood-based casting list does not give Hollywood-level performance. In general,the upper half moves on too slowly while the lower half just flies by----imagine when you suddenly step off a Chinese train in Spring Festival and jumps on an Eurostar.
By far the crowned series of Showtime has won the nomination of “Best Television Series – Drama” in 2008’s Golden Globe Awards together with other 4 nominations and 9 wins. However, one thing must be declared that this series is not intended for historians----there are quite a few of details that do not match historical facts. For example, for aesthetic expectations’ sake, Henry was no older than 30 when he started to court Anne Boleyn therefore he remained the charismatic Renaissance king.
As to the performance of leading roles, versatile Jonathan Rhys Meyers certainly revives an amibitious and lustrous king----in spite of the controversy whether his build really resembles Henry VIII’s, he does a really stunning job, hence garnering himself a nomination for “Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series – Drama” in 2008’s Golden Globe Awards.
Then comes the notorious Anne Boleyn played by a Reading native Natalie Dormer. After her brilliant performance in Casanova(2005) opposite late Heath Ledger, she comes up with yet another breakthrough which totally eclipses the other Natalie’s. Compared with the Hollywood Natalie, this Reading Natalie is less ravishing in face but more intriguing in play. Her gypsy appearance----the pointed chin, delicate nose and seductive eyes---- better outlines the charm of enchantress Anne for whose sake Henry VIII splitted from the Roman Catholic Church and set up the Church of England. From Natalie we are overwhelmed by Anne Boleyn’s fiery traits and excessive desire for crown, as well as her myterious, irristable charm over Henry.
 The uprising actor Henry Cavill also presents a charming Charles Brandon, the brother-in-law and favorite of Henry VIII.But there is vagueness in change in character during his start from nobody to noble.
 The supporting roles are impressive, too. There are seven Thomases: Cardinal Thomas Wolsey(Sam Neil), Thomas More(Jeremy Northam), Thomas Boleyn(Nick Dunning, winning “Best Actor in a Supporting Role in Television” in 2008’s IFTA Awards) , Thomas Wyatt(Jamie Thomas King), Thomas Cromwell(James Frain), Thomas Cranmer and Thomas Tallis, with actors almost all from United Kingdom. It signifies that a crew labeld “UK-based” works out sheer superior to the UN-based The Other Boleyn Girl( Portman and Johansson from US, Eric Bana from Australia).
 Besides the thrilling performance, the technical staff also add points to the series.Extravagant costumes and fancyful hair and makeup, together with outstanding shooting, this panorama is almost flawless.
 In a word, this is more a thriller interwowen with love, lust, conspiracy and religion than a factual fastidious historic drama. Also, a must-see. Looking at the tagline----“Bed, wed, behead!” ,you already sense the tension and fascination.


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